In a time when becoming independent is ever present we realize that your spiritual walk is everything but independent. Our College ministry desires to connect those who are in a transitional time in their life with something that is consistent- God, and God’s people. Jesus was all about community. You see his call to his disciples to be with, to look out for, and to encourage one another. Often there is a scene where they are gathered at a table and feast with one another. His call to them was to go out into the world together and turn it upside down.
The Lamar Avenue College Ministry wants to encourage and connect with you. Our desire is that we can help you find how to share your faith no matter what your professional journey is to come. We hope you will be one of the many that Jesus uses to turn the world upside down.
We have time on Sundays to study God’s Word, to worship who He is, and to fellowship with His people. On Wednesday nights we have a time for devotion, to see what God is calling us to be or where to go. We strive to look at His Word and see how it is applies to us now. We desire to help you engage in the world’s suffering through sharing your time and faith. There are opportunities for you to volunteer in the ministry here at Lamar Avenue Church of Christ and in the ministries of those whom we are connected with