Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit is found in scripture from the very beginning to the very end. We are often uncomfortable and confused regarding it’s current work …
The Holy Spirit is found in scripture from the very beginning to the very end. We are often uncomfortable and confused regarding it’s current work …
Jesus entered into the suffering of humanity on the Cross. When he conquered the spiritual powers of sin and death, he ensured that nothing could …
God is working. We are working. All Things are worked together. All things don’t “just work out”. We are called to work with God to …
Overview on Ecclesiastes. Looking back at last years Sermon series. How do we have meaningful moments in all the meaningless things in life?
The job of people was to work the land before the curse of sin ever happened. Work itself is a blessing of God. Our role …
The job of people was to work the land before the curse of sin ever happened. Work itself is a blessing of God. Our role …
This is a NEW EXODUS. Led by the Shekinah Glory of God. Filled with the Shekinah Glory of God. Manifesting the Shekinah Glory of God.
Romans 8 is a New Genesis and a New Exodus. This is the fulfillment of Isaiah and Hosea. This is Gospel, Hebrews, and Revelation. This …